The most wonderful thing happened in my American History class today. This was the second time this class has met so far, so we are still getting used to each other. Our professor is a charming woman who is filled with enthusiasm and seems to have a genuine interest in her students. On our first day of class, she told us all about how she loves collectibles and antiques. She views them as pop culture mementos of history. She asked us all what sorts of toys we liked as kids. As it was our first day, everyone was still feeling a bit bashful, but I volunteered that I love My Little Ponies. This of course made the class chuckle, but I implore them to talk about anything from their childhoods that doesn't sound a little silly. Granted, they may not have chosen to qualify that when it comes to Ponies, the pinker the better, but come on, who doesn't love pink My Little Ponies? I very much enjoyed chatting with my professor about My Little Ponies, and even though it was a brief conversation, it made me instantly like her.
Well, today my professor outdid herself on the adorable front. When class started, I was presented with a pink My Little Pony. I was so delighted. She explained to the class that she rewards students for speaking up in class, and as a great coincidence, after our first class, she had gone to McDonalds for lunch and received this Pony as a happy meal toy, and immediately remembered our chat in class. I still can't believe I got a present just for going to History today!
There is another level to this. The last couple of months, I have been rewarding myself for working out. Everyday I go to the gym or an aerobics class, or push myself to have some sort of solid workout, I put a My Little Pony sticker on my calendar. These ponies have now inadvertently become a theme for a reward system in my life and I can definitely dig it, especially in a situation like today: a complete surprise that totally made my day.
I was beside myself. I was so tickled, I sat grinning goofily the rest of class. As class went on, she brought out a handful of other toys and nicknacks as prizes to students who answered questions in class. I love this, I am so completely charmed, and am very pleased with the start of this semester.
I'm going to start doing the same thing with my workout calendar with Tink stickers!!! Thanks for the great idea. I like the idea of actually seeing my sweat and pain turned into something charming! Thanks, Tam