If current me went back in time, and told six-year-old me that some days she wouldn't feel like playing with her friends, or staying up past bed time reading, she would have told current me I was crazy, then promptly vowed never to grow up. Lucky for my inner six-year-old me, I rarely pass on the things she enjoys. I can't say no to a princess movie, ice-cream cone, or trip to Disneyland, but that doesn't change that I'm grumpy sometimes.
All grown-ups are grumpy sometimes. A kid will simply whine that they are not grumpy! Then sulk. A grown-up, however, must face the facts and admit to being grumpy, followed by a succinct analysis of what outside force made them grumpy. "Some jack-ass cut me off in traffic," "This woman on her cell-phone held up the grocery line," "My boss is so disorganized" Whatever the complaint, it's silly to let it cause us to feel something we are only meant to feel when tired, hungry, or the dreaded tired'n'hungry.
In conclusion, I've decided to renounce my grown-uppity-ness and let go of all things that make me grumpy. Unless it is an adorable pouty way that leads me to be fed or tucked into bed, Becky the Grouch is henceforth released! I'M NOT GRUMPY! {now that's an inner child! ;-) }
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