I am officially scratching yesterday from the record. I simply refuse to officially start 2011 scrubbing up someone else's vomit off of my apartment; and frankly, I didn't wake up in my own bed, I woke up on my couch, which isn't even really my couch, it's my roommate's couch that isn't even really his couch, but his old roommate's couch, and get this, it was the old roommate's parents' couch. In short, I refuse to start a whole new year by waking up in my roommate's old roommate's parents' couch. Too many degrees of separation. Instead, I started today.
Today, the official first day of my new year, I accomplished so much! I gave myself a lovely fresh platform. My apartment got a complete scrub down. It is glistening, even in the secret corners behind the toilet. My bed is also glistening, with brand new bedclothes. I got new sheets out of necessity, but while I was out couldn't resist rounding off the freshness with a new comforter to boot! My laundry is in a perfect;y acceptable part of it's cycle, and my dishwasher is humming away merrily, polishing off the last of my dishes.
As if all of that wasn't enough to impress, I also kicked off my new workout routine. My best friend and I have come up with an elaborate reward system and are holding each other accountable for meeting our goals. A brilliant plan I recommend to all; it's really hard to tell your best friend you can't go get reward pedicures with her because you skipped a day at the gym. Brilliant.
Finally, I also spent time with my mom. One of my favorite people in the world. She got lunch with me, laughed with me, and cheerfully played along with my shopping and chores. She is a perfect person to ring in my new year with. Happy 2011 Everybody!
Way to start off right!