Monday, January 28, 2013

Just Worried About the Cat

In a couple of days, Mia and I are moving from our Princess tower in Fullerton, and into a little studio in Hollywood.  Of course I, being well traveled for my age and having regularly made the commute to Hollywood for years, am not worried at all, but I do worry for Mia.  Fullerton, after all is where we first met and has been a truly lovely home.  
Mia has gotten accustomed to the views from all the windows of our tower, each giving the whole place the feel of a treehouse.  She has grown used to having friends pour out onto the balcony when the kitchen/living room is too full of cooks and laughter.  And don't even get me started on the untold joy she gets from throwing up fur-balls and watching them cascade down the tiny wooden staircase.  I may miss enjoying the occasional sunrise and cup of coffee from my roof, but what is that to Mia's sadness at no longer being able to use her intricate knowledge of how to open every drawer and cupboard in this place while I'm asleep?  This is the most beautiful apartment I've ever lived in, but its the only apartment my little alley cat has ever called home.
And what about this community we've… I mean she's.... grown to love?  I've lived in Modjeska Canyon, R.S.M, Chicago, Florence and The Dreaded Valley, but Mia was born and raised in Fullerton.  I know I'll find new adventures in Hollywood, but I worry that Mia will miss walking over to the Night Owl or Max Bloom' s or McClain's for a cup of coffee, or driving over to Sunset Lounge for a game of pool and a Shirley Temple.  (I can only assume those are the activities she engages in on the rare occasions she escapes the house.  That's what I'd do.)
Look, call me a worry wart if you will, say I'm being a crazy cat lady because I'm so concerned with Mia's well being, but seriously: shit, man.  We are college graduates now.  We have to be real grown ups and get real jobs and make money and settle into a new place and get new people to hang out with us (because I care about her and all but when a cat and a single gal spend too much time together, people talk) and find new places to feel happy and safe and creative all while looking slightly aloof and disinterested in everything but laser pointers?  Don't get me wrong, I can totally handle it.  I'm just a little worried about the cat.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nine Weeks Til' Adulthood

Hey gang,
Been wondering where I've been? I took a little detour to write Nine Weeks Til' Adulthood a blog  to capture the last sprint toward the end of my degree.  Unfortunately, it was the last sprint to my degree, so I was a bit busy...  In any case, the Monomyth continues.