Monday, January 31, 2011

My Little Pony

The most wonderful thing happened in my American History class today. This was the second time this class has met so far, so we are still getting used to each other. Our professor is a charming woman who is filled with enthusiasm and seems to have a genuine interest in her students. On our first day of class, she told us all about how she loves collectibles and antiques. She views them as pop culture mementos of history. She asked us all what sorts of toys we liked as kids. As it was our first day, everyone was still feeling a bit bashful, but I volunteered that I love My Little Ponies. This of course made the class chuckle, but I implore them to talk about anything from their childhoods that doesn't sound a little silly. Granted, they may not have chosen to qualify that when it comes to Ponies, the pinker the better, but come on, who doesn't love pink My Little Ponies? I very much enjoyed chatting with my professor about My Little Ponies, and even though it was a brief conversation, it made me instantly like her.

Well, today my professor outdid herself on the adorable front. When class started, I was presented with a pink My Little Pony. I was so delighted. She explained to the class that she rewards students for speaking up in class, and as a great coincidence, after our first class, she had gone to McDonalds for lunch and received this Pony as a happy meal toy, and immediately remembered our chat in class. I still can't believe I got a present just for going to History today!

There is another level to this. The last couple of months, I have been rewarding myself for working out. Everyday I go to the gym or an aerobics class, or push myself to have some sort of solid workout, I put a My Little Pony sticker on my calendar. These ponies have now inadvertently become a theme for a reward system in my life and I can definitely dig it, especially in a situation like today: a complete surprise that totally made my day.

I was beside myself. I was so tickled, I sat grinning goofily the rest of class. As class went on, she brought out a handful of other toys and nicknacks as prizes to students who answered questions in class. I love this, I am so completely charmed, and am very pleased with the start of this semester.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

I have gotten into a routine lately that I'm completely proud of. It's a new year, school is back on, I'm trying to hit the gym more often, and I'm generally trying to become a more productive, enriched person. Among all that, I feel it's important to have some me time and I have found the perfect thing.

All praise Netflix and it's divine influence over entertainment. For some time Netflix has been fulfilling my needs both as a snotty film student and earnest lover of ninety's television, but a recent discovery has driven my love of Netflix to new heights. All four seasons of Lois and Clark: the new adventures of Superman can be found in the instant streaming library, so off with you! Go and seek the joy that can only be imparted through hours of this classic television triumph.

This is easily the greatest television of all time. The action! The romance! The suspense! For real, a charming ninety's romance filled with innuendo, coy flirtation, and awkward mishaps???? Combined with a superhero!?!?! Yes! Yes Please!

Furthermore, say what you will about the show, but damn Dean Cain. Damn. I truly believe that aside from a new urge to frisk the arms of journalists in search of super-muscles, unwinding at the end of the day with Superman is doing me good.

The first season and a half I greedily devoured; feasting on multiple episodes at a time, but now I've slowed down to savor each delicious episode, suppressing mild shock that I enjoyed this sultry show as an oblivious child back when it was on.

So now, as I complete this blog (and my day), I will light some apple-y smelling candles, turn on my fake fireplace, and cue up an episode for my bedtime story. Then it's off to sleep where that Lois Lane can't tag along with me and Superman.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey! Check this out! If you look on the right, below the blog archive list, I now have an adorable, virtual bookshelf. Pretty neat, huh? It is not very informative at the moment, but I will dazzle it up when I have some more free time. For now, it's time for bed, I go back to school tomorrow. :-)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Hair Cut!

I got a hair cut that I'm very pleased with it. To celebrate, I decided to take a picture to share with my dear blog readers, but here is the thing… it's quite difficult to get a perfect "New Hair Cut Blog" Picture....
You want to show off the hair...
...and avoid completely ridiculous faces...'s extremely frustrating...
So, I give up.
Just take my word for it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Early Bird

Good Morning! It is eight o'clock, and I am awake and alert, basking in my recent rescue of my car from the street sweeping meter maid. I am now having a bowl of cereal and peering down at my lovely "To do List." I've chosen not to focus no the fact that my list includes things like sending e-mails and reading, and be proud that doing dishes and going to the gym made the cut. Now, have a great day, and I willl check bragging about my early-bird-ness off the list!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goodbye to a Friend

Almost exactly a year ago, I embarked on an adventure that was life changing. I went to Chicago to learn comedy from the people who knew it best. Second City Chicago: the place to be. While I was there, I had several teachers truly impact me, one of which was Mary Scruggs. Everyone loved Scruggs, it was impossible not to. She was sweet and caring, with a sharp sense of humor that would leap out at any moment, and an easy laugh that made me and my fellow college comedians all too happy with ourselves.

She was a great teacher, and instilled a confidence in me that I'd never dared to have in my writing before. She built me up from the beginning, and when I got too pleased with myself brought me back to Earth. Such was her gift, to keep her students right where they needed to be. She had a profound impact on me as a writer, and I am certain that is the case of the many many people she taught.

Today spread the news that Mary is no longer with us. Though taken too young, it is inspiring to reflect on all she accomplished and the many people she impacted. I am very happy to have known Mary the time that I did, and with a heavy heart wish her all the best in her adventures after the life in which I knew her.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


If current me went back in time, and told six-year-old me that some days she wouldn't feel like playing with her friends, or staying up past bed time reading, she would have told current me I was crazy, then promptly vowed never to grow up. Lucky for my inner six-year-old me, I rarely pass on the things she enjoys. I can't say no to a princess movie, ice-cream cone, or trip to Disneyland, but that doesn't change that I'm grumpy sometimes.

All grown-ups are grumpy sometimes. A kid will simply whine that they are not grumpy! Then sulk. A grown-up, however, must face the facts and admit to being grumpy, followed by a succinct analysis of what outside force made them grumpy. "Some jack-ass cut me off in traffic," "This woman on her cell-phone held up the grocery line," "My boss is so disorganized" Whatever the complaint, it's silly to let it cause us to feel something we are only meant to feel when tired, hungry, or the dreaded tired'n'hungry.

In conclusion, I've decided to renounce my grown-uppity-ness and let go of all things that make me grumpy. Unless it is an adorable pouty way that leads me to be fed or tucked into bed, Becky the Grouch is henceforth released! I'M NOT GRUMPY! {now that's an inner child! ;-) }

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Magic Blog and Thing #5

Oh my goodness, just putting it out there, the universe is totally on team Becky. This must be a magic blog! Not even a week after I posted my new year's resolutions, the ball is rolling!

To help me reach my fitness goal, I found a place just down the street that brings me to (I know we haven't done this in a while):

Thing #5 I like about the Valley:

Anise's dance Studio

I just took an adult ballet class there, and it was fantastic. It was really fun, and felt so glad too get back to dancing, and it is the perfect distance for me to ride my bike there, so bonus!

Aside from finding a fun way to stay in shape, I've also booked two gigs this weekend. On Friday, my improv group Calvinball will be performing in a new space to us in Culver City. On Saturday, I will be playing music at the Waterloo in Mission Viejo. Seven O'clock if you're interested.

And finally, yesterday I completed the last phase in ensuring I got all of the classes I need for next semester. Well done me :-) and thanks universe for the assistance.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The First Day of My New Year

I am officially scratching yesterday from the record. I simply refuse to officially start 2011 scrubbing up someone else's vomit off of my apartment; and frankly, I didn't wake up in my own bed, I woke up on my couch, which isn't even really my couch, it's my roommate's couch that isn't even really his couch, but his old roommate's couch, and get this, it was the old roommate's parents' couch. In short, I refuse to start a whole new year by waking up in my roommate's old roommate's parents' couch. Too many degrees of separation. Instead, I started today.

Today, the official first day of my new year, I accomplished so much! I gave myself a lovely fresh platform. My apartment got a complete scrub down. It is glistening, even in the secret corners behind the toilet. My bed is also glistening, with brand new bedclothes. I got new sheets out of necessity, but while I was out couldn't resist rounding off the freshness with a new comforter to boot! My laundry is in a perfect;y acceptable part of it's cycle, and my dishwasher is humming away merrily, polishing off the last of my dishes.

As if all of that wasn't enough to impress, I also kicked off my new workout routine. My best friend and I have come up with an elaborate reward system and are holding each other accountable for meeting our goals. A brilliant plan I recommend to all; it's really hard to tell your best friend you can't go get reward pedicures with her because you skipped a day at the gym. Brilliant.

Finally, I also spent time with my mom. One of my favorite people in the world. She got lunch with me, laughed with me, and cheerfully played along with my shopping and chores. She is a perfect person to ring in my new year with. Happy 2011 Everybody!