I had a wonderful day today. I had my computer cleaned up and revamped with some updated software that is going to make me so very much a badass. In order to do this, however, my computer was wiped completely clean. I, being a young woman who is oh so “with it”, backed up everything important on an external hard drive. There were a few left over things that got wiped because they were too old to care about or projects that I knew were never going anywhere.
The guy at the apple store must have asked me fifteen times if I was sure I wasn’t going to miss anything and I assured him it was alright, because it absolutely was. Until hours later, in the back of my mind a lightbulb illuminated. On the computer there was this one file I “didn’t care about”:
It was a silly video of me singing a song that I had recorded directly onto the computer. I suddenly remembered the day of this project, I had redone it over and over trying to get it to work. The sound was a mess, I didn’t like my facial expressions, the light was coming in at strange angles; you name it, it was an issue. I finally got something half-way decent, and then couldn’t get it to upload to my old blog where I had intended to impress my three followers. It was a completely frustrating project, and after stealing the above still shot for my vanity, I pushed it from my mind. The still managed to ride onto my hard drive with the rest of my photos, but the video was lost.
Realistically, if the video stayed with me, I may not have ever looked at it again, but when I realized it was gone forever, it was martyred. The lost chronicle of my life! How will I ever remember those happier times? I was in Chicago, playing my ukelele. My uke has a broken string right now... boy those were simpler days. I was wearing my colorful beaded necklace. The one that needs to be untangled from a bracelet now... boy those were simpler days. Plus, I was sitting on my pastel quilt. That sweet quilt that at this very minute is sitting in my laundry basket waiting to be washed... boy those were simpler days.
So now, though reflecting on how silly it is, I can’t help but feel slightly nostalgic. Unabashedly, lamenting a thing that never was.
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