Life has a funny way of keeping things balanced. Alanis Morrisette inaccurately called it irony (can I get props for that reference that was topical fifteen years ago? and then some more for the archaic use of the word "props"?) but often life wants to throw some bumps out there so we can keep appreciating all the goodness there is.
I love people. I mean really love them. I want to hang out with them, get to know them, hear their stories, but it is undeniable that some people simply insist on being less than charming. I'm not really sure why this is. I know sometimes it is on accident because we don't know how to properly communicate our feelings. I know I'm guilty of that…
When I was in junior high I told my friend Jake he couldn't walk home with me from school one day. It was just for one day because *sigh* John was walking me home... John was an extremely handsome twelve year old and I thought this was it, my big shot at hand holding! Well, I blew it and my hand remained unheld for another lonely year. Things went back to normal. Jake was allowed to walk home with me and everything was right in the world. I didn't even realize that I had hurt Jake's feelings until we were freshmen in college and he confessed over a can of Miller Lite. I apologized profusely then, and Jake, if you are reading this now, again: I am sorry! I will never let the promise of hand-holding get between us again. Also, I'm sorry for publicly announcing you ever drank Miller Lite just now...
Now that I am a quasi-adult (quasi because I watched The Princess Diaries last night) I'd like to think that mean-ness has gone away. Unfortunately, that isn't true. There are always people with a self-serving need to put others down, and there are really only three things that I find I can do about it.
First off, as hard as it may be, I have to feel sorry for The Meanie. Meanies are notoriously unhappy people, thus causing them to be so darn mean. While the natural reaction may be to curse the very name of The Meanie and write a scathing critique of everything The Meanie has ever done wrong in his life, it takes a real charactered individual to just say: I hope things get better for you, I know it's hard to be a meanie.
Secondly, it's important to know that no matter what The Meanie says, I know who I am. It's very hard to reason with a meanie, but it should be easier to reason with yourself. If there is a hint of truth in what The Meanie says, that doesn't have to bring the whole world down around you. You know who You are. If you can counter an off-handed rude comment with true self-reflection, you have definitely won.
Finally, the universal solvent: ice-cream, the very delicious healer I fully intend to partake of as soon as I've finished this blog. Meanies hold no real power so long as life remains balanced and there is still ice-cream in the world.
To all the meanies out there: knock it off. And to all the knowers of meanies: You know who You are, now go eat some ice-cream and watch a princess movie for crying out loud!