Thursday, November 18, 2010

Frumpgirl: the origins

Good Morning Readers!
Today I woke up at a lovely and leisurely 10:30, allowing myself a bit of extra sleep to prepare for the all-night Harry Potter extravaganza I have planned with my best friend. We've been besties since the first grade and are still doing this kind of silly activity at 21, but this is why we are bestest friends :-)
Anyway, while I slumbered this morning, enjoying an extra REM cycle filled with hippogriffs, broom sticks, and butter beer, a man was creeping about my apartment complex hanging signs. Now, my dreams were not to be darkened by this sign, as I slept blissfully through a warning text message about the sign, the sign placement itself, and all the negative energy from others in reaction to the sign. No dream darkening for me! I rolled out of bed at 10:30 with a smile on my face and a Hogwarts letter in my heart, until I reached my shower and something went horribly wrong. You see, a shower is a device that pours water on you and makes you clean. That's it's function, that's how it rolls, but it would seem mine had forgotten it's duty.
Now, after copious investigation, the sign is revealed. "Water turned off from 10:00 - 2:00" TEN TIL TWO!! ARE THEY CRAZY? Oh well, time to catch up on all my dishe-.... well, I could do my laundr.... Fine! I'll sit and frumpily write until 2! Take that sign! You're not gonna bring me down! I have nerd fest tonight! Nothing is going to ruin that for me! Nothing!!! Cheers.

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