Stars = measures the film's cinematic quality.
Hearts = measures the film's enjoyability.
Bowls of Ice cream = measures the numbers of bowls of ice cream it would require to get me to watch the film again.

Hooray for Disney Princess Movies! Now, a part of me is crushed that the tale of Rapunzel has now been told. I always dreamed of being the voice of a Disney Princess. I'd get to sing and be a princess, what more could a girl want? I always thought Rapunzel would be my big break. The one classic, untold princess story, but alas, it was made into a fabulous movie.
Now, a much bigger, though more child-like part of me is very excited this movie exists. It was wonderful, all the charm and pizzaz one hopes to find in a disney movie. So delightful. The movie is sweet and fun and has a very uplifting girl power undertone that is always appreciated by me.
This movie and Princess and the Frog are two Disney musicals that were made after a long period without any musicals. I enjoyed The Princess and the Frog, but the songs were not as memorable as Disney songs have been in the past, they weren't hits. I thought Tangled did a better job with the songs. There were definitely a few really catchy numbers, but there were still a few unmemorable songs stuck in here and there.
Overall I absolutely loved it, and who knows, maybe after a few viewings the songs will get stuck in my head after all.
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