Sunday, May 29, 2011


I have been to many a grocery store, and it is just not the same. At the grocery store, individual people do their shopping. Maybe if you're lucky, a toddler will be persuading her mother that she really needs Princess Gummy Snacks, but other then that, not so much a group activity. This stands in stark contrast with an alternative grocery shopping venue: Target.
It is a bit amazing how much of a family outing going to Target is. Couples browsing sections that reveal why they are together, packs of children looking longingly toward the toy section, and old couples lightly bickering over what cereal to get.
Maybe it's my Target specifically that attracts groups. It would make sense, they may be afraid they'll get lost on their own. My Target is, after all, two stories, complete with escalator and cartscalator. It's amazing.
It was a very blustery day today in the valley. The trees were all shaking their branches lovingly, which was a refreshing distraction from the fist-shaking all the drivers do. To take refuge, the inhabitants, myself included, hurried into Target for supplies for an indoor Sunday. A thrilling outing for the whole family. Apparently.

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