Friday, July 6, 2012

Living among the Trees

I've slept on a lot of couches.  I pride myself on the fact that I am just likable enough for my friends to offer me the couch for the weekend or after an evening bingeing on Quantum Leap.  When my friend Megan permitted me to stay with her while I was in Portland, I was very grateful, but had no idea the extent to how awesome it would be. 
She lives in a forest! It's like a little woodland bungalow.  This is the view.

Just look at all those trees!This morning I stepped outside to bask in it and make a few phone calls and this squirrel gave me a piece of his mind for a while, but the joke is on him, I think squirrel chatter is hilarious.
I spent a very relaxing morning watching birds flutter over to snack from the feeder and am just so tickled to be here.  Top all this off with a little bonus room and futon to sleep in and I am in weekend away heaven. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome to Portland

I'm in the fanciest car I've ever driven, surrounded by evergreen trees which are like a dream compared to the southern california July from whence I came.  Portland is such a welcome escape for the weekend.  I am just reaching the point of concern about where I am and how many freeways I have already been directed to since leaving the airport when a bridge comes into view.  A beautiful bridge, and I'm headed right for it.  As I drive onto the bridge I feel so light, the song on the radio changes.  It's that scene in the movie where the wide-eyed girl comes to a new city. It's an exciting montage that alternates between magical city pans   and enthusiastic facial expressions from the main character set to a song that is going to make a killing on itunes.  I am completely lost in my moment.  So lost that I miss the exit I am meant to take.  
At that point, I'm looking around and all the supposed exits just look like entrances onto more freeways.  I keep going, assuming an exit will eventually pop up and be obvious, until off in the distance: my bridge, and I'm heading right toward it.  I laugh to myself and enjoy the ghost of my movie moment.  On the second pass I'm not distracted, but I'm still a little confused, so I pull off and park to recollect my sense of direction.  I have no real destination, I'm just starving so anywhere with food will suffice.  My iphone tells me where to go and I'm off again.  Left, right, under a freeway, and first right… wait, was this the first right?  I'm not positive, I think I'm going the right way but I can't be sure, and then I see it: My bridge! …and I'm heading right toward it.