Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Gig at The Night Owl

I was considerably older when I first started hearing some of the accusations that were raised against Barbie. She was deemed unrealistic and therefore an inappropriate role model for little girls. This scandalized me. Aside from the obvious "No fricking duh, she is a doll" retort I hold at the ready for these Barbie haters, I also can't help but feel judged. I, after all, am a blue-eyed blonde girl with boobs unproportionatly large for her frame. I know that sounds like a punchline, but it isn't. I never considered Barbie and my common ground to be rooted in sex appeal. It was always nice to see a successful Doctor-Vet-Horse Back Rider-Mermaid-Fairie-Princess-Model-Librarian-Pink Car Enthusiast who looked like me. Furthermore, regardless of how she looks, it is important for little girls to see a woman who can be anything!
It was with these loving thoughts that this Christmas I was happy to give my niece her very first Barbie. I went a little nuts with her stack of presents. She had to have a Barbie, a Theresa (Barbie's friend who looks like my niece), an assortment of career women outfits, and the traditional Auntie-Becky-is-a-square-who-gives-kids-books Book.

By the time I went shopping, the only individual Barbies left were Beach Barbie. I confess, I passed some judgment on Beach Barbie. Sure, she was fine for paling in the pool, but for my niece's first Barbie? No way! She needed to see Barbie in her element, dripping in success.

It was with that hope in my heart that I carefully extricated Beach Barbie, put some clothes on her and re-packaged her. My niece recently informed me of her ambition to become an "Animal Rescuer" so her first Barbie was carefully clad in kaki and holding a baby tiger she presumably rescued. Welcome to the Barbie club, Kid. Chicks Rule!
The Night Owl
There is a new coffee shop in Fullerton that I am currently testing for inspire-ability. I have made a habit of writing in coffee shops and the Fullerton Starbucks just hasn't been doing it for me lately. It is not totally its fault, but the fault of these three old bittys that moved into my squashy chaired haven. Usually I get along quite well with the local old people and crazies, but these three just don't get me. They find my smile very offensive and my offer to trade chairs so they can sit next to one another damn near threatening to bomb the place. This open hostility has made it very difficult for me to find my writing zen.
There is another coffee shop in Fullerton called McClain's that I love, but they are cash only and I've almost forgotten what cash looks like.
The Night Owl is a comfortable little space filled with squashy chairs, little tables and pretty orange lighting. A girl is hammering her guitar in the corner. I am contemplating my move to occupy that location sometime soon. All in all, it is a very charming little place that is allowing all my Congested blogs that I have put on the back-burner to flow out.
The creative atmosphere paired with the pleasant chat with the blue haired charmer working the register made this trip totally worth it.
Friday, December 23, 2011
My Dad and his Christmas Lights
As a college student, December is a blur. you've barely finished digesting Thanksgiving dinner, then you're on to cramming for finals, finishing up end of semester projects, cramming for finals, putting up Christmas decorations, cramming for finals, shopping for presents, cramming for finals, and did I mention cramming for finals? It can make a girl miss the whole spirit of the season.
For me, however, there is one activity that can provide all the joy, laughter and nostalgia that the holidays should bring. This, of course, is the annual: My mom makes my dad put up Christmas lights.

My dad is a sweet, easy going person who bends over backward to make everyone happy, particularly my mom. My dad reserves this one day of the year, however, to become a grumbling old kill joy, which tickles me to pieces.