Friday, April 29, 2011
The Royal Wedding

Friday, April 15, 2011
My Sunshine
I had an extremely productive day today. I got all kinds of homework done, which is good because I have all kinds of homework to do this weekend, but I also intend to have fun. So, on one hand, woohoo for me and my focus today that will lead to fun tomorrow. On the other hand however, it was a gorgeous sunny day today, and I was out in it so briefly it is a bit sad.
I've finally taken my head out of my books and noticed it's dark and I missed all the sunshine. It made me a bit bitter, like someone stole my sunshine from me. A handful of someone's actually. Damn Dirty Professors.
In what has got to be some sort of cosmic joke, there is supposed to be an oppressive amount of sunshine tomorrow, but I suppose I'll be able to appreciate it more after today when my sunshine was robbed from me.
Monday, April 11, 2011

Each of Snow White’s seven dwarves elicit their own unique response from viewers. Dopey makes us laugh, Grumpy makes us talk in baby voices with our lips puckered and our cheeks puffed out, and Doc makes us scratch our heads (what sort of an adjective is Doc?) But the most under appreciated dwarf is clear. He is a dwarf of character and strength. The character I refer to is, of course, Sneezy. Sneezy lives a tougher life then any of us could imagine, and yet he handles himself with poise, grace, and the occasional assistance of a fellow dwarf’s finger beneath his nose.
Can you imagine how many eye watering, mouth opening, nasal passage clearing moments Sneezy has had in his life? An impossibly high number. Today I have felt a bit under the weather, and I can honestly say it has opened my eyes. Well, in a more literal sense it has closed my eyes. More often then I would like: near my beloved coffee cart, in my English class, while looking for an appropriate parking spot. It has been rough. Yet, my suffering is a microcosm of what Sneezy has endured.
You are a true hero, Sneezy. I lift my tissue to you, sir.